
Sun (Free) Secrets

As a follow-up from yesterday's post about how to have a "Sun Safe Summer" I'm back to share some of my sun free secrets, and how I create my own summer "tan"! 

Like I mentioned yesterday, my mother had her second melanoma removed earlier this spring. Though she grew up at the beach, ever since she had her first melanoma removed about 10 years ago she has been so careful about staying out of the sun, wearing tons of sunscreen, and always has on protective layers and hats. I couldn't believe that someone that is so careful about her sun exposure could have yet another melanoma! I think this is when it all came to the realization that it easily could have been me getting the news from the dermatologist back in the spring. I've really started to try and change my ways this year and have invested in lots of sunscreen (see yesterday's post), all kinds of self tanners and bronzers, and just recently- cute sun protective clothing!

I first heard about Cabana Life clothing from Sarah Tucker's blog and I think their rash guards are some of the cutest ones out there! For Mother's Day this year, I ordered this turquoise tunic pictured above for my mom from Coolibar! We've always gotten their catalogs and while I was home in Richmond a few weeks ago I was browsing through and saw quite a few cute things that are actually wearable! Last but certainly not least, Mott 50 is another brand I first saw mentioned on Sarah Tucker's blog and on others around the blogosphere! I ordered one of the navy and white striped Teresa dress for myself (because one can never have enough navy and white) and am really loving it! It's nice, lightweight, stretchy material, and has built in UPF 50 - a win-win in my book! 

Many of y'all also know that if I'm out on the water or at the beach, I'm usually sporting one of my Sweet Tea Monograms PFG shirts! These shirts all have UPF 30 so it's another great way to stay safe and look cute out in the sun!

Though I'm wearing all these layers and trying to get as little real sun as possible, I actually am not a huge fan of the Snow White look on myself. Trust me, I would be pale as a ghost without a little help from my self tanner friends... pictured below! The Tan Towels are probably my favorites, though I recently bought the St. Tropez bronzing mousse and have been experimenting with that as well! Always remember to exfoliate first and use sparingly on elbows and knees... and forearms- I'm still trying to perfect the arm to forearm fake tan look! :)

Shop my favorite self tanners:

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Shop my favorite sun protective gear:

Hope y'all have enjoyed my sun safe series, and please let me know if you have any questions about any of the products I've mentioned! I've tested and tried lots until I have found ones I love. I also hope I'm not coming off as too much of a Debbie Downer, but I wanted to share this post so y'all know there are ways to enjoy the sun (and look like you enjoy getting a tan) without harming your skin! Now go get your (fake) tan on this weekend!


  1. Heather I am loving these posts! Melanoma runs in my family so I was raised always wearing sun shirts and TONS of sunscreen! These tips are great!!!

  2. I love this post! I burned my face pretty badly a couple of years ago and since then I do everything I can to keep the sun off of my face. Self-tanners are my best friend haha

