
Meet Lucy!

For the last few months (and maybe even years) Robbie and I have known that we've wanted to get a puppy as soon as we had a house with a backyard where he or she could run and play. We've been researching lots of different options and breeds so when we came across a sweet family right outside of Charleston that had a Springer Spaniel puppy ready to come home this week- we knew it was the perfect timing! 

We picked up Lucy Sunday night and she quickly won us over with her sweet snuggles and little puppy kisses. 

She is curious, loves to use her nose to sniff around the house, thinks that the puppy in the mirror is her new bff, and her favorite places to nap in right by our side.

After 4 nights at home I can happily say that she has finally started to adjust to sleeping in her crate at night (praise hands from her momma and daddy!!!) The first and second night were a little rough but I did some more research on crate training and have been working at getting her more accustom to it so she doesn't whine or bark as much when she goes in. Every time we go in the bedroom (where the crate is) we go next to it, have a little treat (small piece of food), and then go in and get another treat. Basically there are lots of treats involved, but what puppy doesn't love that?!

Lucy already loves to go for walks around the neighborhood! She has lots of energy but after lots of walks and playtime, she also loves to nap- and lay on my lap and get her belly rubbed!

Welcome to the family Lucy! We are so excited for this new stage in our lives as puppy parents!

Some of our favorite puppy products so far:

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We've been looking at getting either a gate or playpen for when she starts to explore a little more and when I can't watch her every single second. Any other suggestions for puppy necessities?



  1. What a cutie! I am glad that she is settling in well!

  2. She's so cute! Being a puppy mom is the best ever!

  3. Lucy is adorable! I can completely relate to those first few nights... struggle. We have a 9 week old puppy and are working through potty training right now. How do they have the smallest bladders ever?!

    1. Good luck!! Lucy is 9 weeks too and luckily her breeder started potty training a little already, thank goodness. Right now we are very glad that we haven't gotten any new rugs in our house yet! ;)

  4. She's so precious! I'm storing your cage training tips away for when my turn to get a puppy comes :)

    1. I think different things work for every pup so if those don't work, there are plenty of other options too! I basically just read up and done lots of trial and error. We still haven't left her home alone yet... tonight might be the first time! Eeks!
